I love a bit of dopamine dressing and have loved it before it took over TikTok.

But the idea has been around for a while. In a 2012 study published by the University of Hertfordshire suggested that people should wear brightly-coloured accessories or pieces with heartwarming backstories to lift their mood. 

The psychologists conclude that the strong link between clothing and mood state suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low. Professor Pine said:
“This finding shows that clothing doesn’t just influence others, it reflects and influences the wearer’s mood too. Many of the women in this study felt they could alter their mood by changing what they wore. This demonstrates the psychological power of clothing and how the right choices could influence a person’s happiness."

The science confirms what we know within ourselves. As Eddie from AbFab used to chant, "looking good, feeling great!"

When you think about it, kids love dressing in bright happy colours, and for most people, some of our happiest memories are from our childhood.

So I say get those happy hormones happening - for you and the people around you. Dopamine dress like a big happy kid here!


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